Mesothelioma Cancer Risk
Mesothelioma Cancer Risk
In the majority of cases, the caner risk of developing malignant mesothelioma is a direct result of asbestos exposure. Between 70-80% of all mesothelioma patients have a known exposure to asbestos. However, it is important to remember that mesothelioma has been reported in some individuals without any known exposure to asbestos.
Mesothelioma cancer can show up as pericardial mesothelioma, peritoneal mesothelioma or pleural mesothelioma, meaning it can invade the mesothelium or the lining of the heart, the abdomen or the lungs.
Even though asbestos has been mined and used commercially since the late 1800s, we now realize that beginning in the early 1940s that millions of American workers were routinely exposed to asbestos dust. People who worked in shipyards, in mines, in mills, in construction, and of course people who worked in factories which produced asbestos products could all be at an increased risk of developing malignant mesothelioma because of their exposure to asbestos dust and particles.
Because of this direct link between exposure and the risk of disease, a mesothelioma attorney may be a good place to start to learn about compensation options for those exposed to asbestos through their place of employment. Although I am not a proponent of a lawsuit happy culture, it is indeed heartbreaking to see the loyal worker who slaved for years in an environment that was unsafe and one that exposed them to asbestos which could ultimately cost them their life. So a mesothelioma lawyer or a law firm that specializes in mesothelioma cases may be a consideration for you.
Asbestos is defined as “any of several minerals that readily separate into long flexible fibers”. These fibers can then be separated into thin thread and woven. In the production of items containing asbestos, if minute particles float into the air and are swallowed or inhaled they can ultimately lead to very serious health problems. It is important to remember that from the time of exposure to asbestos to the development of mesothelioma may be anywhere from 20-50 years. Not only can the exposure to asbestos lead to mesothelioma it can also lead to other cancers, such as cancer of the lung or larynx. It could also lead to a non-cancerous disease called asbestosis, which is a chronic lung condition directly related to exposure to asbestos particles.
As mentioned earlier, mesothelioma has been reported in some individuals without any known exposure to asbestos. In areas where asbestos producing factories are located, people in the area may have been exposed by inhaling or swallowing particles of asbestos simply floating in the air. Even families at home may have been exposed to asbestos particles by handling the clothes of a family member who was working with asbestos and came home with microscopic particles of it on their clothing.
The risk of developing malignant mesothelioma cancer is in the majority of cases directly related to a person’s exposure to asbestos and the exposure can occur many years before the actual development of the cancer. Exposure to asbestos can occur by swallowing or inhaling tiny particles of asbestos which can even occur when doing the laundry and handling the clothes of a family member who has been exposed. Know the facts and know the risks…malignant mesothelioma is directly related to the exposure of asbestos… so prevention is key.
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